Airwheel S3T
S3 S3T Specs Airwheel S3T

limited life
endless vitality

airwheel s3t

intelligetn portable transport

sales in 68 countries including America, Germany, France, Italy, Singapore and Austrlia

airwheel scooter

4inMagnified HD Display

Big Vision - With the magnified LED display,just ride free whilst enjoying the visual feast.

airwheel s3t

trip is no longer lonely

more of a fashin symbol than a vehicle


Green trip filled with vitality

SONY li-ion battery, also used by Tesla Motor


Relaxing to release vitality

light and firm material main frame made of Magnesium alloy

music along the trip with endless vitaly

music makes a dynamic trip large closed sound chamber for wonderful music

light the trip with vitality

front brake light better warning when braking

great power fullof vitality

maglev motor in a quiet manner noise-free power

Safety control alerts

Speed control

To prevent injuries caused by speeding, Airwheel sets a maximum speed. When the speed exceeds 12km/h, the front end of the pedal will rise gradually and when the speed exceeds 16km/h, the pedal will pose a 10° angle to the leveling surface, which stop you from inclining further to accelerate.

Tilting Protection

When Airwheel tilts to over 45° sideways, e.g. when Airwheel turns over, the control system will activate tilting protection. The motor will stall immediately to prevent injuries.

Low Battery Protection

When power level falls lower than 15%, all four lights will blink and the buzzer will beep. The front end of the Pedal will sink to force you to decelerate and eventually stop. Please do not attempt to ride again, otherwise you may suffer a sudden loss of power and fall over.

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