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The born of Airwheel C5 custom intelligent helmet — product chip

Airwheel, a leading global intelligent vehicles solution provider launched the latest product C5 smart helmet, breaking the stereotype of Airwheel. It’s debuted on CeBIT 2016 in Germany under the new marketing slogan, “free intelligent life.” Airwheel believes our lifestyle in the future will be facilitated by intelligent tools and the internet of things.

Intelligent tools will extend and expand people's senses, enhance people's capabilities, and narrow the gap between dream and reality. The newly released Airwheel C5 is one of these intelligent tools, integrating taking pictures, shooting videos, having calls and connecting App etc. this time, we will concentrate on the core element to implement these functions—its chip.

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The intelligent chip plays an insignificant role in the functional implementation, such as data transmission. Airwheel C5 adopts Inter Edison, a tiny computer-on-module offered by Intel as a development system for wearable devices and Internet of Things devices to lay a solid foundation for the smart helmet.

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The Edison chip, a 400MHz computer board that fits into an SD card supports Linux, Windows and Mac OS X and includes a dual-core CPU, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth LE (low energy) and an integrated app store, allowing creators of hardware products to enhance the functionality of their existing or new systems by incorporating Edison's processing power.

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The latest 22nm duo core Quark SOC is more suitable for mini-type wearable device. It boosts its processing performance with low power consumption, enabling Airwheel C5 smart helmet to reach 180min continuous shooting or other kind of functional duration.
Edison chip is fully functional, one of the main reasons accounting for its great popularity. Firstly, it is endowed with WiFi and Bluetooth modules, achieving a higher efficient data transmission. Secondly, the previous chips only support their own developed system or limit to Android system, and Edison chip turns around this situation, as it integrates the above into one platform. Lastly, there is a programmable I/O interface in the Edison, supporting Hot-swap. In this way, it will be much more flexible since I/O interface can be programming and support motion sensor according to different products.

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Escorted by Edison chip, Airwheel C5 color intelligent helmet is to keep the masses’ eyes polished.