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Airwheel Z5, a Fascinating Way to Hang Out with Friends

Abstract: Friends get-together is usually full of joy and excitement, especially for the outdoor activities. Riding in the beautiful park or around the peaceful lake can totally relax and refresh oneself. Airwheel Z5 two wheeled electric scooter is the suitable vehicle to hang out with friends.      

A saying goes that all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. One needs to balance the work and leisure time to have a wonderful life. Hanging out with friends is a good choice for most workers  to relax themselves on the holiday. Some people prefer outdoor activities because they can breathe the fresh air and have more exercises.


Airwheel Z5


Tom is an outgoing person and likes participating in outdoor activities with his friends. He plans to organize a BBQ party next weekend in the open area. Meanwhile they can saunter or ride  around the place since tulip blossom can be seen there. Tom wants to bring his new Airwheel Z5 electric scooter with him on that day.

Airwheel Z5 self-balance electric scooter features convenience and comfort in every detail. With a total weight of 14kg, it can be folded easily and taken into the elevator, subway, bus or the trunk, covering a volume of only 0.064m3. Tom plans to put Airwheel Z5 in his car to the suburban area and then rides it to fully enjoy the fantastic tulip blossom. Besides, he can travel with it into the village to see the peaceful life there free from the hustle and bustle in the city. 


self-balance electric scooter


Also, since nowadays people cannot live without the intelligent devices such as mobile phones and panel computers, Airwheel Z5 has a USB connector for power supply. This makes the riders feel more secure because they do not need to worry about power off and can use the phone as their wishes. Tom looks forward to the day to hang out with his friends with Airwheel Z5 cool electric scooter.