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Airwheel Presented Q Version Scooters to Help People Wonder around Foreign Cities

Abstract: After the X models of electric unicycles released by Airwheel, Q version is coming into the market. That model is to help people wonder around a foreign city via your ears, hands and nose.

Take those earbuds out of your ears, switch off the volume, and listen to your holiday place. Is it a hustle-bustle, busy city in which people shout at each other in their foreign language? If you pay full attention, can you make sense of what they say? Can you learn a new language by feeling it?

What is the local music of the place that you are exploring? Riding the scooter walks into a pub at night to hear a local band play. Don't worry since the Q series twin-wheeled scooters are fitted with Led flash lights. Maybe you even join a jam session in the street or on the beach. You don't need to be able to play an instrument as long as you can clap your hands.


Airwheel Q3


Get back to the roots, and simply reach out your hands to feel the earth, the trees, the fabrics, the grains, and everything you can lay your hands on. For the self-balancing electric scooter is hands-free device, your hands are available to touch everything you want though you're riding on a vehicle.

It's not a bad habit to eat your way through a country. Try out whatever smells good to you, and buy random food from street vendors. Pay attention to locals: Where do they seem to hang out for dinner and what are they buying from the grocery store? Rolling on the electric scooter discovers the specialties of the region. Follow your nose while you wander around a foreign city, and don't be afraid to see what your gut tells you about these smells.


Airwheel Q5


Despite the fact that the scooter can run at 17 kilometers per hour, you can still roll at a low speed through the body movement. So you can take enough time to admire your lovely exotic new foods, and landscapes.