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Revolution or Complementation? Airwheel Electric Skateboard VS Traditional Transportation

Abstract: For those who get accustomed to take traditional public transport vehicles, might consider it impossible for electric skateboard to replace current transportation tools. But, Airwheel electric skateboard, since invention is bound to complement traditional methods of transportation instead of replacing them.

For those who get accustomed to take traditional public transport vehicles, might consider it impossible for electric skateboard to replace current transportation tools. But, Airwheel electric skateboard, since invention is bound to complement traditional methods of transportation instead of replacing them.

Airwheel M3

Skateboard has been used as commuting vehicle for some young people. Though it is such a cool way of getting around, it could not get wide-spread to the general public. This time, Airwheel Technology by adding intelligent chips, quality batteries and a wireless remote control to the skateboard, transforms it from a toy for some people to a practical transport vehicle for more.  

Since the introduction of Airwheel electric skateboard M3, it becomes a sharp contrast to the traditional transport tools in the aspect of operating mode and practical features. Electric skateboard is positioned as intelligent, low-carbon, portable and fit for short-distance commuting while traditional transport vehicles seek the purposes of being faster and more labor-saving.

Airwheel M3

This indicates two distinct types of research concepts. By combining traditional transport tools with short-distance portable commuting tools like Airwheel electric skateboard M3, people could enjoy more comfortable and efficient trip mode. When people get off buses and metros, it will still take them dozens of time to get home or to the company. In such a case, taking an electric skateboard onto the public transportation and covering the last several miles with it will save people much time and labor.

Airwheel electric skateboards, along with other intelligent self-balancing scooters help to optimize and restructure the scale of modern transportation. The complementation of different kinds of transport methods will elevate everyone’s living quality.