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Tradition enters into Airwheel new intelligent Z3 self-balancing scooters

Abstract: In respect of physical appearance of the electric skateboard M3 and Z3, they are a great deal familiar to the public. Obviously, no one knows little about the skateboard and the electricity-assisted scooter.

At the end of September this year, Airwheel convened a new product conference once again. It is nearly 3 years since last new product conference which was called in June this year. This new product conference was rather unique and far-reaching. It is worth reflecting on what lays behind this new product conference.

Airwheel M3

In this new product conference, Airwheel released the most new products and the widest range of products. It released four models—the two-wheeled scooter S6, annular electric scooter F3, the electric skateboard M3 and Z3. The category fell into the single-wheeled scooter, the two-wheeled and other brand new models like M3 and Z3. From M3 and Z3, it is easy to see the introduction of traditional vehicle or device to Airwheel new products. It inspires a deep interpretation.

In respect of physical appearance of the electric skateboard M3 and Z3, they are a great deal familiar to the public. Obviously, no one knows little about the skateboard and the electricity-assisted scooter. M3 and Z3 are beautifully engineered in that way so that the potential customers will not be alien to it.

The traditional skateboard is trusted by the physical force from the user. The user have to make a lot of efforts to offer it sufficient force so as to go forward. The young makes up the majority of the user of the skateboard. Most of them are full of energy and vibration. They are into fashion and like something effortless and stylish. The traditional skateboard cannot meet their demand.

Airwheel Z3

Z3 is an electricity-assisted scooter-like vehicle. Z3 uses the exterior of the electricity-assisted scooter shares the same merits of portability and convenience. Airwheel added new blood to the market for Z3 electric self-balancing scooter.