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A Convenient and Green Locomotion Starts from Airwheel Electric Balancing Scooter Q6

Abstract: Airwheel electric balancing scooter Q6 weighs only 11.5kg while its bearing capacity can reach 120 kg. It is a true Hercules of commuting vehicles. Airwheel scooter Q6 is light-weighted and portable. It is absolutely an environmentally friendly commuting vehicle.


The urban residents enjoy the convenience of abundant goods, diversified recreational activities and advanced public transport. People can go anywhere as they like. But is everything so convenient in cities? The answer is not necessarily. In terms of transportation, although there are many different kinds of transport means such as bus and taxi, people might also run into the serious modern dilemma of traffic jam. People have wasted too much time in it even commuting for short distance. We can’t help thinking if there is any other transport vehicle free from traffic jam. Here, the answer is electric scooter.

A Convenient and Green Locomotion Starts from Airwheel Electric Balancing Scooter Q6

Many of us might have heard of Airwheel electric balancing scooter Q6. It is a brand of new and green commuting vehicles. It produces electric balancing scooter for short-distance commuting. After years of independent research and development, Airwheel has mastered the core patent and technology of producing electric balancing scooter. The Airwheel products are firm in shape and safe to ride. The company now owns many national patents and international certificates. It is highly reputed in the industry of electric balancing scooter. Airwheel Q6 is a well-received self-balancing scooter model. With strong function, Airwheel Q6 moves smoothly on any terrain.


Airwheel twin wheeled electric scooter is invented on the basis of an aerospace attitude control theory and fuzzy software algorithm. It can also be called Mars Rover. Compared to other traditional means of transport, this device is smaller and lighter for short-distance commuting. Being small, it moves forward freely even in crowded streets. Being light, men or women can lift and carry it.


Airwheel electric balancing scooter Q6 is very convenient for short-distance commuting. People can ride it easily on even the most crowed and narrow roads. With its delicate figure, it carries you through any body-width space. Owning a scooter, you will never have to cram onto a bus or drive a car perturbed by the heavy traffic.


Airwheel electric scooter Q6 weighs only 11.5 kg and is easy to take. It is indispensable for protecting environment and keeping fitness. Therefore, it is worthy of your choice.