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An Interview with Airwheel President Zuo Guogang: Development Path of Indigenous Balancing Scooter Brands

Abstract: During the interview, Mr. Zuo Guogang shed some light on two newly released products and described future development direction of the company: being serious with each product, moving forward steadily and jointly promoting virtuous industrial cycle.

Airwheel, focusing on balancing scooter sector, takes up large market share by virtue of cost-effective balancing scooters. Engaged mainly in low-end urban commuting market in the earlier stage, Airwheel has concentrated its R&D on mid-to high-end balancing scooter segments over the past year to satisfy different demands of scooter consumers.

During the interview, Mr. Zuo shed some light on two newly released products and described future development direction of the company: being serious with each product, moving forward steadily and jointly promoting virtuous industrial cycle.

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Future planning: being serious with everything

So far, Airwheel self-balancing scooters have been sold in 168 countries, which is always striving to be firmly rooted in China and world-oriented. “The two new products unveiled in the conference are a result of being pragmatic, progressive and innovative and striving for changes in the past year,” remarked Zuo, “Airwheel will continue to improve product design philosophy and technology and be committed to R&D and manufacture of portable intelligent means of transport.”

Attitude on market competition: being consumer-oriented

When it came to attitude on competition in scooter market, Mr. Zuo Guogang said that he, together with all Airwheelers, would be responsible for consumers to be serious with every task and every product.

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All sectors and markets undergo spiral development. Orderly competition is conducive to industrial development. Airwheel electric scooter for sale will actively participate in cooperation and competition through friendly negotiation, select brand strategies beneficial to benign industrial development and facilitate growth of scooter sector.

Future market development: believing in prospect and social significance of scooters

Scooters accord with national economic trend due to their eco-friendliness and energy efficiency; besides, an increasing number of governments at different levels have realized significance of green GDP, valued development of green and clean energies and introduced many favorable policies.