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From Airwheel Electric Self-balancing Scooter, Envision Prospects of Scooter Sector.

Abstract: The scooter has evolved from the single-wheeled one to the twin-wheeled one, and then from the two-wheeled one. The change in purpose of use arises out of the change in the ease of use. Where does the future scooter go? What is it like? The questions like that haunt all the people.

Scooter sector appeared over a decade of years ago, but it thrived in recent years technically. The scooter has evolved from the single-wheeled one to the twin-wheeled one, and then from the two-wheeled one.  The change in purpose of use arises out of the change in the ease of use. Where does the future scooter go? What is it like? The questions like that haunt all the people.

S5 electric self-balancing unicycle


Take Airwheel for example. As one of the fastest-growing scooter-maker, Airwheel has gone through all the above changes. And the history of its development and its lines of intelligent scooter goes to tell the development and prospects of the whole sector. Last year, Airwheel launched the two-wheeled scooter S-series, S3 and S3T.

This marked it shifted its focus on public occasion, e.g. in works and police patrol. This year, it wrapped up its 2015 new products release conference after an interval of half a year. At the event, the A3 saw the light of the day. It started to compete with electrically-assisted motor. The previous models tend to be conceptualised as a recreational vehicle, rather than a transport like bicycle and private car.

A3 self balancing electric unicycle


A considerable amount of people have the misgivings about the halfway blackout when riding intelligent scooter A3. In fact, such misgivings are not in the least needed, for A3 is outfitted with a larger-capacity battery, which provides quite a long range. The user could ride it, threading his way through the moving mass of traffic. Apart from that, it makes a reality a long-distance trip in the city. As the Tesla smart takes a hold in the market and the technology of power storage develops, the quick charge of outdoor charging device will further enable A3 to run far.