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Ride Airwheel Intelligent Self-balancing Scooter and Date with the Spring

Ride Airwheel Intelligent Self-balancing Scooter and Date with the Spring

Abstract: Environmental degradation blurs season gaps. It’s all human’s responsibility to improve and protect the environment. Airwheel always aims to contribute to the environment. So Airwheel always pursues environmental protection and portability in its products.

Ride Airwheel Intelligent Self-balancing Scooter and Date with the Spring

Winter just passed and it seems that summer immediately squeezed in, leaving no chance to spring. The sharp temperature rise indicates that the environmental degradation has blurred season gaps.


Global warming results in more vicious climate change, decreased season change, and dramatic daily temperature swings. In recent several springs, people usually experience two seasons in one day: in the midday it’s hot and we should dress T-shirt, yet in the early morning and the late afternoon it’s cold and only thick coat will keep us warm. So it’s no wonder that people are generally confused about the seasons because they may see T-shirt and thick coat on the same street.


Environmental problems more and more severely trouble human beings. The only solution for all problems, like global warming and fog haze, is to replace the traditional fuel with new energy source.


Airwheel aims to develop new environmental friendly vehicles. Airwheel’s intelligent self-balancing electric scooter are portable, fashionable, safe and energy-saving. They are the future of new eco-friendly vehicles in the 21st century. Airwheel’s products are solutions to the short distance transport of office workers and students, as well as the middle-long distance travel in daily leisure activities. These intelligent scooters have cool and fashionable contour and various functions, which make them popular among the trendsetters of the new age.


Airwheel is the leading enterprise of self-balancing scooter industry. Airwheel has designed and produced many types of self-balancing scooters which are low in price but of high quality. With years’ exploration in product quality and design, Airwheel’s products have won the public praise. The energy-saving features of Airwheel’s products enable consumers to travel as far as 100km per kw-hour, with zero emission of pollution. These eco-friendly features are where the enterprise philosophy lies.


With powerful hi-tech processing chips inside, Airwheel products are internally installed complicated with systems based on important theories and subsystems like aerospace attitude control theory, fuzzy software algorithm and gyroscope system. With these hardware and software, users can control the scooter by changing their body’s tilting direction. All these operation skills are very easy to learn and Airwheel’s products are the best choice to electric unicycle players.


All these hi-tech power are united by Airwheel for protecting the environment. “Protecting the environment is protecting ourselves” is the slogan demanding all human being’s effort.


For our environment, let’s choose eco-friendly vehicles. Winter passing, let’s ride Airwheel on our way seeking the spring!