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With Airwheel, You’ll be the Pickup artist

Do you know why you are still single? Have you realized that it may not because you are clumsy in words or you have social phobia, it may just because you lack a proper tool to get his/her attention. An Airwheel self-balancing electric unicycle is a tool that can best serve your purpose.
How to chat up with a girl you meet at the gym? How to add his Facebook? And how to get her reveal her twitter? These are all skills that require a systematic learning and a lot practices. In order to achieve these skills, you have to learn marketing, psychology, and other knowledge.

self-balancing unicycle
However, you don’t have to worry about this problem anymore now, because you’ve got the Airwheel self-balancing unicycle. The photo above shows that a blonde girl is being held by hand by a guy at behind. The boy is coaching the girl on how to keep balance on the wheel. The Airwheel self-balancing electric unicycle is a future-concept gadget that is based on gyro technology and can be controlled by the rider’s body movement. The rider just have to stand on the pedals and lean the body forward, backward or sideway to make the wheel go forward, backward or take turns. The built in gyro-sensors can detect the tilting of the wheel and adjust the wheel to bring back balance. Unlike the traditional unicycle, this smart device is powered by electricity and easy to learn. Even if you are a slow learner, you don’t have to worry about the wheel falling over and got scratched up, as the case of the Airwheel is made with nano-plastic, which is extremely durable.
The Airwheel electric scooter can be rode on different terrains. You can scoot it along the pavement or on the path in countryside. It can be rode on a rated 15 degree angle surface and the rated load is up to 120kg. Moreover, the scooter is fitted with a potent Sony lithium battery and is capable for a range of 20km at a speed of 12km/h. Therefore, such a device can be used as a personal transporter for commute or outing. In fact, the Airwheel is consider the next generation of transportation that is both environmental friendly and great fun.

self-balancing electric unicycle

As an emerging gadget, the Airwheel is definitely an attention getter. If you eager for attention from your “prey”, you can’t miss the Airwheel self-balancing electric unicycle.