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Airwheel X3 self-balancing electric unicycle, go green


Abstract: The Airwheel X3 as a single-wheeled electric unicycle is smart and compact, and can be used as workout gear as well as personal transportation for short distance travel.

Airwheel X3 self-balancing electric unicycle, go green

Environmental protection is a new theme in the new century. People are paying more attention to the quality of the air, the tree coverage of the community. In fact, environmental protection is the responsibility not limited to the government and the enterprises. The individual can do make their own contributions. The Airwheel X3 is such a green device with zero emission.

The Airwheel X3 is also called self-balancing unicycle or Mars Rover. It is an electricity powered personal transporter that can keep itself balanced. Compared to traditional transportation, such as cars and scooters, the Airwheel X3 is a future-concept device that has only one wheel. It is portable vehicle that is both stylish and fun. An immediate new favorite, the Airwheel X3 offers the rider a totally different experience.

Airwheel X3 self-balancing electric unicycle, go green

The X3 single-wheeled scooter is based on the gyro technology. The rider just have to apart the legs on the pedals (which is collapsible) of the wheel, and lean the body forward and backward to make the wheel go forward and backward. The built-in gyro-sensors and accelerators can detect the tilting of the wheel and activate the system to bring back balance. Actually, the rider doesn’t have to worry about his/her balancing skills. Unlike the traditional unicycle which requires a good balancing skill of the rider, the Airwheel electric unicycle is battery powered and can automatically keep balance by itself. The rider only has to have a minimum sense of balancing to steer the wheel. If the rider can skateboard, then there will barely be learning curve for him/her to master the Airwheel.

The Airwheel is geared with a potent Sony lithium battery which enables the unit to run at a speed of 18km/h for a stunning range of 20km. It can cope with different terrains and can even scoot on a 15 degree angle surface. This smart device can meet all your expectation on short distance travel.