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Airwheel X8 Review: Durable And Aesthetically Pleasing

Abstract: The Airwheel X8 as a self-balancing electric unicycle is very suitable for short distance travel. Riders are sureto be impressed by both the durability and the aesthetically pleasing design.


This is the best transportation investment someone can make if you are traveling short distances. I am personally very impressed with the X8's durability, battery life and aesthetically pleasing design. There is a small learning curve but once you get it, you will be rolling in no time! I'm 180lb (81 kg) and I get 8 miles (12.87 km) out of it. That's roughly about an hour of riding.

Airwheel X8 Review: Durable And Aesthetically Pleasing 

A bit about charging. There is a green/amber light on the charger that indicates charging and complete state. You must plug into the unit first without plugging into the wall. If you do the reverse the charger will refuse to charge, it will amber a bit and then stay green. As experienced when I try to ride my unit dead after charging overnight. The first 80% charge will complete within 1.5 hours. The final 20% will take about 4 more hours, faster if you unplug when it turns green then plug it back in. I carry my charger with me at all times, since its charge is unpredictable.

Keep the extension tire inflation valve in a bank deposit box. It costs $12 dollars to replace and good luck finding it. Nobody on Amazon sells it. Also the tires uses a special angled valve, you cannot use any normal bicycle tire. I have not tried looking for it, but I did lose my extension tire inflation valve and have yet to find a reasonable replacement.

Airwheel X8 Review: Durable And Aesthetically Pleasing

I originally had a 3 page description of training, which I found interesting but not very helpful to other people. So here's a succinct training description: Start with the training wheels and strap. Then remove the wheels and strap, find either a shopping cart or a long hallway. Keep riding around until you "get" it. That's all there to it. It took me a week to "get" it and the wheels are now controlled without much thought.

electric unicyclesingle-wheel scooter