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What makes Airwheel self-balancing scooter preeminent

Abstract: Airwheel, a world-renowned scooter-maker, stands out from others. This enormous success owes to its brilliant models with hi-tech and innovations.

As an emerging sector, the sector of self-balancing scooters has been keeping on a high momentum. In this sector, there are many scooter-makers. At the same time, many new scooter makers are to crop up. Airwheel, a world-renowned scooter-maker, stands out from others. This enormous success owes to its brilliant models with hi-tech and innovations.

Airwheel, electeic scooter, 2-wheeled electric unicycle

It is years since Airwheel launched its first model. In the market, Airwheel is rather popular with peoples of all ages and all walks of life. However, do you have an in-depth knowledge about it?


First, to protect riders from injuries caused by velocity, Airwheel sets a maximum speed. When the speed exceeds 12km/h, the front end of the pedal will rise gradually. When the speed exceeds 16km/h, the pedal will pose a 10° angle to the levelling surface, which prevents you from inclining further to accelerate.

Low battery protection frees riders from concerns about lacking power. When power level falls lower than 15%, all four lights will blink and the buzzer will beep. The front end of the Pedal will sink to force you to decelerate and eventually stop.

In some series, for instance Q-series, titling protection is embedded in the wheel base. When the unit tilts to over 45° sideways, e.g., when Airwheel turns over, the control system will activate tilting protection. The motor will stall immediately to avoid injuries.

Each model of Airwheel is mounted with a warning system. Once the tilting protection is activated, the buzzer will launch long beeps and the LED indicator on the power button will flash on end. The control system will stop you from further accelerating by beeping and rising the front end of pedal.

Airwheel, electric unicycle, electric scooter

There are other measures complementary to the above-mentioned technologies. For example, the Twin-wheeled scooter Q5 is the state-of-the-art means of transportation adopting aerospace control theory, fuzzy software algorithm, and gyroscope system to maintain balance by leaning forward and backward. Riders can control the vehicle to go forward, accelerate, decelerate, and brake, etc. by leaning forward or backward. Akin to the technique of riding a bicycle, the riders keep balance on the twin-wheeled scooter Q5 by slightly tilting sideways.

For more information about Airwheel, one could visit Airwheel’s website for a better understanding of it.

electric unicycle, electric scooter