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The 7 Things You Need To Know Before Your Paris Travel

Abstract: With more than 1,400 years of history, Paris, as the world recognized cultural capital, with the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre, Versailles, Fontainebleau and many other world-class attractions, attracts millions of people to travel. The following lists 7 things needing to know for those who are ready to go to Paris.

First, it is about dressing. Although it is not necessary to wear formal dress, those wearing shorts and slippers may be refused to enter in some restaurants. Hence, travelers need to learn some information of the restaurant in advance. Let yourself be properly dressed.

Secondly, learning simple French is necessary. In Paris, English is not a common language, so learning some simple and practical French can be more accessible to the local people's friendly attitude. Of course, they may not stand the unstandardized pronunciation, and switch to English to communicate with you.

Thirdly, no photos. In Paris, most of the museums are not allowed to carry camera, and naturally you cannot take pictures of the items on display. Also, you are not allowed to self-timer, or pull others to help you take pictures.

Fourthly, there are also some recommended photographing places. Although the museum cannot take photos, there are also some recommended photographing places, like the beautiful ballet. During your travel, staying in a high-rise room with a balcony is better. From the balcony, you can easily catch a very beautiful scenery. This is the hall of the restaurant on the fifth floor of the Orsay Museum. You had better go there in the morning and the big clock taken in backlight throws off a feeling of silence and eternity.




In addition to architecture and scenery, you can also take pictures of the exotic Paris dessert food. Of course, as long as you are not too hasty, you can walk through the streets of Paris to find more beautiful scenery.




Fifthly, prepare toilet articles. Generally French hotels do not provide toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo hair care, slippers and other carry, so you need to put these articles into your luggage. Of course, you can also choose to buy them in the local directly.


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Sixthly, it is about your daily mode of transport. In Paris, whether it is day or night, the first choice of travel is not taxi. Paris Metro is the main force of traffic travel, and you can purchase the ticket within specified number of days that can be used unlimited times, so far cheaper than single journey or round trip tickets. The subway can solve most of the mobility, however, if you want to experience every street, taking subway or walking is not suitable. Here, the Airwheel E series of folding electric bike is recommended, powered by lithium battery that can be folded to carry around and can be taken to subway.




The last thing shows you the tips how to visit the Eiffel Tower without queuing. Method One: Travel service companies such as Easy Pass Tour have introduced the Paris Tower to reserve tickets or sightseeing tours. Although it is more expensive than normal tickets, visitors can save at least one hour. Method Two: Reserve the restaurant in the tower, like the first layer of 58 Tour Eiffel, and the second layer of Le Jules Verne. As long as you arrive at the scheduled time, then you can take a dedicated elevator.